Saturday 28 March 2015

Home Remedies To Grow Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

As proper routine care makes eyelashes healthier, this should be your first step to enjoy thicker lashes. You can also use some simple home remedies to promote thicker growth.

1. Brush Your Eyelashes

Brushing your lashes can also help them grow. It will help get rid of dust and dirt particles to prevent clogged pores. Moreover, it will encourage blood circulation so that more nutrients reach the hair follicles.

  • Put a few drops of vitamin E oil or petroleum jelly on a soft-bristled eyelash brush or comb.
  • Use the brush to apply the oil or jelly directly on your lashes.
  • Continue brushing the lashes gently using upward strokes. Start from the root of the lashes and slowly move upward to the tip.
  • Brush for about 5 minutes twice daily until you see desired results.
2. Eyelid Massage
Massaging your eyelids promotes the growth of your eyelashes. It improves blood flow to the hair follicles, which means more nutrients reach the follicles. This stimulates hair growth and prevents thinning and breakage of your lashes.
  • Put a few drops of oil, petroleum jelly or shea butter on your eyelids.
  • Using your fingertips, massage along your lids and lash line in small, circular motions.
  • Massage for 5 to 7 minutes twice daily for a few months.
Note: Before massaging your eyelids, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly.


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