Thursday 5 March 2015

Make Ayurvedic Detox Tea to Lose Stomach Fat

Make Ayurvedic Detox Tea to Lose Stomach Fat

Ayurveda, Ancient India’s prescription, puts stock in a detoxifying body that aids in breaking down fat. For this detoxification of body after which liver can work better to metabolize fat, it gives a formula for making a detox tea. You have to make this tea each morning and taste everything as the day progressed.
Get this:
  • Cumin seeds- ½ tsp
  • Coriander seeds- ½ tsp
  • Fennel seeds- ½ tsp
  • Water- 5 glasses
  • Bottle Flask- 1
Do this:
  • In the morning, heat up the water
  • Include cumin, coriander and fennel seeds to the bubbling water and keep bubbling for 5 more minutes. Spread the pot while the water bubbles.
  • Notwithstanding strain the tea and put it into the canteen cup
  • Taste little measures of this detox tea throughout the day.
  • You ought to drink it hot or at any rate warm. Never drink cool tea. If necessary make the tea twice by lessening all elements to a large portion of their amounts.
  • You may discover the tea excessively solid at first. Provided that this is true, take ¼ tsp of each one seed rather than ½ tsp for initial two weeks. After that, make it half teaspoon.


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