Friday 5 December 2014

The Smoothie Cure For High Blood Pressure

A good blender and a little know-how are all you need to beet BP
A cup of beetroot juice helped people lower their high blood pressure by 11 points within 6 hours, finds a recent study. The reason it works so fast: Beets contain dietary nitrate, which your body converts to a gas that expands blood vessels and aids blood flow

You can find cooked beets in your supermarket's produce case or salad bar—or roast your own. (Bonus: any leftovers can go into these 5 Fast & Fresh Beet Recipes.)
Pineapple-Beet Blast

PREP TIME: 5 minutes
½ c sliced cooked beets
1½ c frozen pineapple chunks
¼ c celery leaves
1 c vanilla almond milk
½ c fresh orange juice
Combine all ingredients in blender and puree until smooth. Divide between 2 chilled glasses. (Makes 3 cups.)

This simple smoothie from nutritionist Dana White, RD, contains a heart-healthy trifecta of nitrate, magnesium, and potassium.


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